In early 2015, the Studio for Ethnographic Design was awarded a two-year planning grant from the University of California Multicampus Research Programs and Initiatives to launch the UC Collaboratory for Ethnographic Design (CoLED).
CoLED builds on the respective accomplishments of ethnography incubators at six campuses (San Diego, Irvine, Los Angeles, Berkeley, Davis and Santa Cruz) to establish a UC-wide interdisciplinary hub for innovative ethnographic theory and methodology. In addition to acting as a hub for a network of UC scholars working on ethnographic practice, the collaboratory will serve as a means to improve pedagogical agendas for graduate student training in ethnographic practice. The two year planning grant will culminate in a public conference in Fall 2016. Visit the CoLED website to learn more about participating scholars and the programs and initiatives in the CoLED network on other UC campuses.
Other CoLED News
CoLED PI Elana Zilberg and Co-PI Joseph Hankins on the CoLED vision
CoLED member George Marcus reflects on Ethnographic Innovation at UC Irvine
The CoLED Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ethnographic Design